A bone density measurement will determine your bone mineral density (BMD) for the area measured. Your results will then be compared to the average BMD of your same sex and race. This information will help determine if you need to take certain steps to protect your bone health. Bone density measurement is simple, safe, non-invasive, and painless.
Depending on the equipment, a measurement may take up to 20 minutes. You will be asked to hold very still during that time.
You will be exposed to very little radiation. In most cases, less than a standard chest x-ray. As with all medical procedures, be sure to tell your doctor if you are pregnant.
Wear comfortable clothing, preferrably no metal buttons, buckles, or zippers. You do not have to undress for this procedure.
No, a bone scan helps to identify certain bone abnormalities such as infection, inflammation, and cancer. It also requires an injection of radioactive material. A bone density measurement requires no special preparation, medication, or injection.
3D mammography is a new technology which shows great promise in the fight against breast cancer. It uses computers and specially-designed digital detectors to produce an image that can be displayed on a high-resolution computer monitor. From a patient’s point of view, having a 3D mammogram is very much like having a conventional film mammogram. The amount of discomfort is the same for 3D mammograms as for 2D Digital mammograms.
Mammography is used to aid in the diagnosis of breast diseases in women. Mammography plays a central part in early detection of breast cancers. Successful treatment of breast cancer often is linked to early diagnosis. Studies have shown that 3D mammography can be more effective in women with dense breasts and women under 50 years of age.
Screening 3D Mammography can assist your physician in the detection of disease even if you have no complaints or symptoms. Initial mammographic images themselves are not always enough to determine the existence of benign or malignant disease with certainty. If a finding or spot seems suspicious, our radiologist may recommend further diagnostic studies including Diagnostic Mammogram, Ultrasound, or Breast MRI.
Dense breasts are common. Almost half of all women have varying degrees of dense breast tissue. It simply means you have a higher ratio of glandular to fatty tissue. However, early detection with mammography can be a challenge for women with dense breasts. Glandular tissue appears white on a mammogram, but so does cancer. A small tumor is easier to spot on the darker background of a fatty breast mammogram, but more difficult on the white background of a glandular or fibrous breast mammogram. Learn more.
Yes, The Women’s Imaging Center has been granted accreditation from the American College of Radiology.
ACR accreditation programs provide a high level of confidence for patients, referring physicians, and managed care organizations that only the highest quality care is being provided by accredited facilities.
Yes, the Women’s Imaging Center has been designated as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence.
To be a designated as a breast center of excellence, breast imaging centers are fully accredited in mammography, breast ultrasound, breast ultrasound guided breast biopsy and stereotactic breast biopsy.