
3D Mammography in Lakeland, FL

The Women’s Imaging Center is proud to offer 3D mammography. This groundbreaking 3D technology offers exceptional sharp images, early detection of breast cancer, clearer lesion images and reduction of unnecessary biopsies. Early detection is key in the battle against breast cancer. Click here to take a breast cancer risk assessment »

See the difference between the image sharpness and quality below:

Analog Breast Image
Digital Breast Image

The 3D Mammography Exam

3D mammography, also known as tomosynthesis, is an advanced technology that shows is helping in the fight against breast cancer. It has specially designed digital detectors to capture multiple segments or ‘slices’ of the breast at different angles and then reconstructs them into a three-dimensional image that can be displayed in high resolution.

A 3D mammogram is very much like having a digital mammogram. The process is performed at the same time as a traditional 2D mammogram, on the same scanner with no noticeable difference to the patient. While the breast is compressed, a second set of images is obtained to create a 3D image of the breast so the radiologist can evaluate the breast tissue one “slice” at a time.

During your mammography at the Women’s Imaging Center, a specially qualified radiologic technologist will position you to image your breast. The breast is placed on a special platform and compressed with a paddle (often made of clear Plexiglas or other plastic). Our staff is caring and will ensure you are comfortable throughout the process.

The Women’s Imaging Center is accredited by the American College of Radiology and has been designated as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence. To be designated as a breast center of excellence, breast imaging centers are fully accredited in mammography, breast ultrasound, breast ultrasound-guided breast biopsy and stereotactic breast biopsy.

To schedule your 3D mammogram with Women’s Imaging Center, please call us at (863) 688-2334.

Breast compression for your 3D mammogram is necessary in order to:

  • Even out the breast thickness so that all of the tissue can be visualized.
  • Spread out the tissue so that small abnormalities won’t be obscured by overlying breast tissue.
  • Allow the use of a lower X-ray dose since a thinner amount of breast tissue is being imaged.
  • Hold the breast still in order to eliminate blurring of the image caused by motion.
  • Reduce X-ray scatter to increase the sharpness of the picture.

The technologist will be in the examination room at all times. You will be asked to change positions slightly between images. The routine views are a top-to-bottom view and a side view. The process is repeated for the other breast. The screening mammography process should take about 15 minutes. The images are immediately available for the radiologist to review.

The Women’s Imaging Center is located in Lakeland, Florida. We serve patients from Central Florida including Plant City, Winter Haven, Auburndale, Kissimmee, and more. Please call us at (863) 688-2334 to schedule your screening or diagnostic mammogram.

Frequently Asked Questions About 3D Mammography at the Women’s Imaging Center:

What is 3D mammography?

3D mammography is a new technology that shows great promise in the fight against breast cancer. It uses computers and specially designed digital detectors to produce an image that can be displayed on a high-resolution computer monitor. From a patient’s point of view, having a 3D mammogram is very much like having a conventional film mammogram.

Why is 3D mammography important?

Mammography is used to aid in the diagnosis of breast diseases in women. Mammography plays a central part in the early detection of breast cancers. Successful treatment of breast cancer often is linked to early diagnosis. Studies have shown that 3D mammography can be more effective in women with dense breasts and women younger than 50.

Screening 3D Mammography is recommended annually starting at age 40 (or younger if you are at higher risk). It is designed to detect breast cancer at its earliest stages, before outward symptoms (like a lump in the breast) begin to appear. Even if you feel fine and have no complaints or symptoms, you should have this test each year.

If a suspicious mass is found on a screening mammogram, or if you have symptoms, your doctor may request a diagnostic mammogram. This is a more detailed test that may confirm—or rule out—breast cancer. The majority of suspicious masses are NOT cancer.

Mammograms performed at Women’s Imaging Center are interpreted by a qualified radiologist who uses a CADX system. This computer-aided detection system gives the doctor a “second look” at your mammogram to improve the chances for early detection. To schedule your screening mammogram, please call Women’s Imaging Center in Lakeland, FL at 863-688-2334.

Screening 3D Mammography can assist your physician in the detection of disease even if you have no complaints or symptoms. Initial mammographic images themselves are not always enough to determine the existence of benign or malignant diseases with certainty. If a finding or spot seems suspicious, our radiologist may recommend further diagnostic studies including Diagnostic Mammogram, Ultrasound, or Breast MRI.

Yes. In fact, our technologists are experienced in performing 3D mammography on patients with implants.

Breast implants can impact the accuracy of a mammogram because both silicone and saline implants are not transparent to X-rays and can obscure tissues behind them. If you have had implants, please let us know—our technologists and radiologists can use special techniques to improve image quality without rupturing the implant during breast compression. You may also be advised to have a supplemental screening test (such as breast MRI) if you have implants.

Please inform your doctor if you have noticed any changes in your breasts when scheduling your mammogram. Tell us if you have had any surgeries, use hormones and if you have a family history of breast cancer.

Do not schedule your mammogram the week before your period if your breasts are tender during this time. The best time to schedule your test is one week following your period. If there is a possibility that you are pregnant, please inform the technologist.

It is also recommended that you do not wear deodorant, lotion or talcum powder under your arms or on your breasts during the day of your mammogram as they can interfere with obtaining quality images. Also, you will be asked to remove all jewelry and clothing above the waist—you will be provided with a loose-fitting gown that opens in the front for the examination.

If possible, please bring any prior mammogram images and reports to your appointment if they were not performed by Radiology and Imaging Specialists or Women’s Imaging Center. The radiologist may want to compare the new images with views from the previous examination(s).

To learn more about our 3D mammography, please call Women’s Imaging Center at 863-688-2334. We proudly serve patients in the Greater Lakeland Area including Plant City, Lakeland Highlands, Auburndale, Kissimmee and more.

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